Sangati Foundation brings to you the sixth episode of webinar series, Re-mapping our mind. This is part of Sangati Foundation’s Coping with Corona series.
Episode 6: With Tea and Empathy
Sunday, 27th September 2020. 5-7 pm
Link to register :- https://attend.zoho.in/830
Please note the change in time
Sangati Foundation, EmoSync, Doctors For A Cause and Doctors For Paws are conducting a webinar series to address the different emotional and mental aspects of the Lockdown.
“Paper has more patience than people.” And Anne Frank was right. But if papers could talk, maybe we wouldn’t end up feeling so lonely and not have anyone to talk to.
Listening is a lost art. People around us have stories trapped inside their headspace that they want to let out, but sometimes, the anxiety and insecurities silence them and make them numb and keep their stories within themselves. To listen, is to be there for someone who need the kind of paper which can absorb whatever ink that flows from their stifled voices and closed headspace. Demons don’t stay under our bed anymore. They terrorise our minds and listening is the best remedy to feel free.
Let’s lend our ears to every storytellers out there. Let’s be listeners and let them speak whose voices have been stifled for a while now. Let’s be patient enough to gain the title of being a good listener because we are turning into papers, writing the stories of everyone because every story matters.
Want to share your thoughts, feel free, and self analyse yourself and become a good listener? Join us on our 6th episode of remapping our minds and find the listener inside yourself that’s eager to listen to the beautiful stories that this world has to say.
Click on the link below to register
Join us on our sixth episode of Re-mapping our minds.
कोरोना के इस कठिन समय में आपके मन में कई तरह के सवाल उठ रहे होंगे। संगति की कोशिश है कि इन सवालों के जवाब आपको विषय विशेषज्ञ से लेकर बताए जाएँ। समय समय पर हम आपके लिये विशेषज्ञों की राय विडीओ, ऑडीओ, लिखित मैसिज के तरह से लाते रहे हैं। इस सिलसिले में ये 17th कड़ी है। संगति फाउंडेशन दिव्यांगजनों के जीवन को सुगम और अनुकूल बनाने की पहल है।